Grade Submission Instructions

  1. Log into the Portal via
  2. At the Academics tab, select Enter Final Grades
  3. View the Select a Term Menu
  4. Select the term that you are going to grade
  5. Click Submit
  6. View the CRN Selection
  7. Choose the CRN (Course) that you would like grade
  8. Click Submit
  9. View Final Grade Entry Worksheet
  10. Scroll down to view student roster
  11. Click on the Grade Drop-down box to choose the appropriate grade for each student
  12. If you choose an “F” or “U” for attendance purposes, you MUST record the LAST ATTEND DATE.  For a student who did not attend at all also indicate 0 (zero) in the ATTEND HOURS field.
  13. Click Submit OFTEN (after 20-30 grades are entered) to prevent loss of information due to Internet connectivity. By clicking Submit grades are uploaded to Banner, but you CAN change them after they have been Submitted until the grading deadline.
  14. Once grades have rolled to Banner (All “W” grades will already be rolled) you will no longer be able to change them through this web process. Instead any changes will need to be submitted using the online Grade Change Request found in Faculty Self-Service.