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Faculty Grade Entry Banner 9 Instructions

Banner 9 Faculty Grade Entry (FGE)

The following sections describe the step by step how to complete various tasks related to student grade entry in Banner 9’s Faculty Grade Entry (FGE). Banner is UIC’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, which houses all faculty/staff and student data inclusive of grading. Grading periods include MIDTERM grades and FINAL term grades.

To be able to enter grades in Banner 9, you need to be assigned in the Banner system as the instructor for that class. Each class will have a Course Record Number (CRN) for each unique lecture and a CRN for each linked section such a laboratory (if applicable). After importing/uploading grades into Banner 9, you will generate a Validation report that will guide you to correct import errors. Then you can reimport a corrected version of the spreadsheet.

In summary, the steps to enter student grades in Banner 9 are:

    1. Log in to and connect to FGE via the grading portlet;
    2. Submit grades to Banner 9 (manually or by an import/upload);
    3. Validate that the grades were entered without errors;
    4. Generate a summary of grades submitted for that section.

Faculty Grade Entry (FGE) Banner 9: Step by Step Overview

    1. Logging into the Portal -- Services for Faculty/Staff and Students
    2. Banner 9 Faculty Grade Entry: Dashboard Overview
    3. Online/Manual Grade Entry in Banner 9 FGE
    4. Exporting/Downloading from Banner 9 FGE a Template/Spreadsheet
    5. Importing/Uploading to Banner 9 the FGE Template/Spreadsheet
    6. Submitting Grades for Multiple CRN/Sections
    7. Troubleshooting: Wrong Roster and Reimporting
    8. Importing from Grades from Blackboard

1. Banner 9 Faculty Grade Entry: Logging into the Portal -- Services for Faculty/Staff and Students.

Click on image to enlarge
    No matter which method to upload your grades you choose (manual, blackboard or personal spreadsheet, banner template) you will always have to log in to the UIC portal and locate the Faculty Grade Entry (FGE) portlet.
    a. Log in to . This site is the UIC portal to all administrative services for faculty, staff, and students.
    b. To locate the Banner Faculty Grade Entry portlet, simply type “grade entry” into the SEARCH bar in the upper right-side corner.

    Alternatively, you can locate the FGE portlet on the Faculty / Staff tab.

    NOTE: To use the Banner system from home, you MUST first connect to the UIC VPN (Virtual Private Network).
    You can download the CISCO ANYCONNECT VPN software via the UofI Webstore website.

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2. Banner 9 Faculty Grade Entry: Dashboard Overview

Click on image to enlarge
    a. After VPN and 2FA authentication into UIC, you will enter the FGE dashboard. Depending your access and roles you will be able to click on one of these three options:

    • Faculty Grade Entry

    • Faculty Attendance Tracking

    • Student Academic Review

    For Banner 9 grading, click on: FACULTY GRADE ENTRY
    b. The FGE page will have two tabs: Midterm Grades and Final Grades. By default, this form always opens to Final Grades. Click on the Final Grades tab
    c. In the Final Grades page, you will find the class roster(s) for the courses for which you are an assigned instructor. Let’s go over what we see on the screen:

    • Grading status
    • Course number (Subject, course, section, title, term, CRN)
    • Tools menu (gears icon)

      • About
      • Keyboard shortcuts
      • Export template
      • Import

    • Help left arrow
    • Midterm grades column
    • Final grades column
    • Last attendance date column
    • Hours attended column

Note: Students names and UINs are hidden on purpose on this image.
    d. The gears icon on the upper right you have a gears icon which when clicked will show you the Tools menu

    • About
    • Keyboard shortcuts
    • Export template
    • Import
    e. Important Note: If you have multiple courses listed, you must click on the row for the course you want to enter grades in order to select that roster. Locate under the CRN column, the Course Record Number (CRN) for the class you want enter grades.
    f. Select the CRN for the course you want to enter grades. To enter grades, you can choose from one of the following two (2) options:

    1. Manual Entry into Banner 9
      ( By directly entering all the data student by student in your browser)

    2. Upload using a spreadsheet into Banner 9 Grade Entry
      (By downloading a spreadsheet from BFGE, filling it in and then uploading it to BGFE via your browser)

    g. Help: Tips for the new Faculty Grade Entry.

      The left arrow (marked with a circle in the image to the right), contains a HELP submenu which has two Tabs: Course Details and Getting Started with grade Entry.
      If you have questions, please contact the Records unit within the Office of the Registrar at: . You can leave a call back number at if you would like to have someone call you back to troubleshoot.

      Or consult the Grading Manual - UIC Office of the Registrar for general grading information and interaction with University policies and procedures.

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3. Online/Manual Grade Entry in Banner 9 FGE

Click on image to enlarge

    Click on SUBMIT or SAVE depending the case.
    c. When you are done entering grades for all your students and have SAVED your work, the GRADING STATUS will change to COMPLETED.

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4. Exporting/Downloading from Banner 9 FGE a Template/Spreadsheet

Click on image to enlarge
    STEP 1: If you have multiple sections (different CRN’s), Make sure to highlight the row for the CRN you want enter grades for.

    IF you want to use Excel to enter your grades this is the easiest way because the file you download is already configured with the columns that the Faculty Grade Entry app requires.

    Click on the Tools Icon and select Export Template

    STEP 2: Download/Export the grading spreadsheet Template to a local folder of your choosing.

    The file name created by the Export Wizard corresponds to the course roster for the highlighted CRN. Yet, the Export Wizard will name ALL spreadsheets downloads the same filename pattern irrespective of which CRN is chosen. If you have multiple sections, this can be confusing and you could overwrite your data. We suggest when you save the file, to add an underscore followed by the CRN you are working with. In this example, and if the CRN was 272275, something like: 220208_Law_402_0_Template_27275.xlsx

    STEP 3:
    Open the spreadsheet in Excel and enter for each student, the information
    under the columns:

    • Grade

    • Last Attended Date*

    • Hours Attended.*


    Click on SUBMIT or SAVE depending the case.

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5. Importing/Uploading to Banner 9 the FGE Template/Spreadsheet

Click on image to enlarge
    On the Tools Menu in the upper right of the red strip.

    on the gears symbol

    Select IMPORT.
    Upon selecting IMPORT, an Import Wizard window will appear.

    The Import Wizard will walk you through the 5 steps needed to import/upload a spreadsheet into Banner 9.

    • Step 1 - Select
    • Step 2 - Preview
    • Step 3 - Map
    • Step 4 - Validate
    • Step 5 - Finish

Step 1: Select the file to be imported.

    Note: Put the cursor on the left greyed-out area to trigger the OPEN FILE menu and then choose the file to be imported.
      Click UPLOAD.

      During the upload, you will
      see a PREPARING message below.

      Click CONTINUE when the upload is complete.

Step 2: Preview the upload

    If you are using the Banner 9 FGE Template, your column names are already named for you.

    You can leave the checkmark My Spreadsheet has headers. This tells Banner 9
    that the first row are the column names.

    You can use the vertical and horizontal sliders to view the data.

    Click CONTINUE when done.

Step 3: Mapping Columns.

    Case 1: You used the Banner 9 FGE Template

    If you used the Banner 9 FGE Template, you do NOT need to map any column in this step. The FDE template/spreadsheet, has all columns correctly labelled and you do not need to do anything on this step.

    Case 2: You created your own spreadsheet and did NOT use the Banner 9 FGE Template.

    If you are importing any other spreadsheet with your student data, you MUST then map the columns on your spreadsheet to those expected by Banner 9.


    Click CONTINUE when done.

Step 4: Validate import.

    The validation window will report to you the results of the matches to your roster. Read the information on this window carefully. In this window, you see the number of records imported, number of records with errors, and the number of unchanged records.

      • You can reimport the same file as many times as you want.
      • Changes will be imported.
      • Unchanged information will not be imported.
      • Imported records MUST match the roster for that CRN.
      Click on Download the validation report to save a copy of the validation report to your local directory.

      The Validation Report provides specific information for correcting grade entry errors.

      Click CONTINUE when done.

Step 5: Finish

    Your grades have been imported to Banner 9.

    Click FINISH to complete process and exit the Wizard.
    Once the Import Wizard is finished, you will return to the Dashboard.
    Note that the Grading Status icon for the course you submitted grades will have changed to Completed for the course you just submitted grades for if all of your submitted grades were imported correctly. If some of your grades did not import correctly, the Grading Status will display In Progress.

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6. Submitting Grades for Multiple CRN/Sections

    The process just described is repeated for each of all of your sections. Note that you can upload the Banner 9 Template spreadsheet with grades using any file name

    Again, the file name created by the Export Wizard corresponds to the course roster for the highlighted CRN. Yet, the Export Wizard will name ALL spreadsheets downloads the same filename pattern irrespective of which CRN is chosen. If you have multiple sections, this can be confusing and you could overwrite your data. We suggest when you save the file, to add an underscore followed by the CRN you are working with. In this example, and if the CRN was 272275, something like: 220208_Law_402_0_Template_27275.xlsx
    The image to the right shows the second row for CRN 27285 highlighted. Note that the highlight is somewhat faint by default.

    The image to the right shows the third row for CRN 30663 highlighted. Note that the highlight is somewhat faint by default.
    Upon repeating the process for each section, you will see a green COMPLETED icon on the left of your screen under GRADE STATUS.

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7. Troubleshooting: Wrong Roster and Reimporting

Click on image to enlarge

    Validation Report will show ALL the rows will have an error if you load by mistake the incorrect Roster for another section,

    The reason is that there will NOT be a MATCH for each Name and ID on the Roster.

    Look carefully at the Validation screen to confirm you are doing what you intend to do.


    You can import the SAME template file multiple times using the same file name. This allows you make a grade correction for a student on the spreadsheet and re-import to FGE. (Note that grade corrections are only allowed via FGE up until the grading deadline).


    IF you do not make ANY changes, then your Validation Report will show NO changes.

    IF you made changes, your Validation Report window will reflect the number of changes you have made and the Validation Report will show what was kept.

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8. Importing from Grades from Blackboard

Click on image to enlarge
    Exported grades from Blackboard follow the previous instructions to upload a spreadsheet.

    Focus on Step 3 where you must map the columns to the Field Name expectations of Banner 9 FGE.

    Step 3:  Look at the file exported from Blackboard. Choose if you want to copy and paste the grades to a FGE Template file OR alter your Blackboard export spreadsheet columns to the configuration of the FGE template. 

    You can skip using the column headers by unchecking MY SPREADSHEET HAS HEADERS.

    Column Headers need to match that of FGE template. In order, here are the names of each column of the Template:

    • Term Code
    • CRN
    • Full Name
    • Student ID
    • Rolled
    • Confidential
    • Course
    • Final Grade
    • Last Attended Date
    • Hours Attended
    • Incomplete Final Grade
    • Extension Date
    • Extension Date Constraints

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