Look at Class Lists

StepsActionResults / Decisions
1Log in to Faculty Self-Service
2Click on Faculty & Advisor Services
3Click on Faculty Services
4Click on Class List - Summary
5Select a Term from the dropdown list. Click Submit.
6Choose a section from the dropdown list. Click Submit.The sections for which you are listed as a primary instructor appear in the dropdown list.
7Course Information, Enrollment Counts, and Summary Class list display for the selected section.Student addresses and phones can be obtained by clicking on the student's name.
8To print a roster, click on the bottom link "Printable Class Summary". Use your web browser print function to print the list (click on file print).If there are more than 50 students in your class, there will be a link (Select Next 50) at the bottom of the page.
9To send an email to a class, click on Display Email List. A textbox will appear with a comma delimited list of your class's email addresses. To email your class, copy this list and paste it into the To: line of your email message.Your browser needs to be set up for email. Only the students with an email icon next to them will appear in the email.
10Exit the browser when finished.