Online Registration Information
Online Registration Information Heading link

To register for classes, students may use
Students may register only during the time frame indicated on the Time Ticket. The Time Ticket can be viewed within XE Registration system (available via by clicking on the Prepare for Registration tab.
Please note that the Time Ticket End Date is the last day to add or drop a course online for all parts of term. Each Part of Term has fixed add drop periods. For instance in fall and spring, UIC has an overarching 16 week term with two 8 week terms, called Parts of Term A and B, each fall and spring. The Time Ticket End Date lists the last day to add or drop a course in the later Part of Term B. (More on the current Time Ticket schedule here.)
XE Registration (available via is available 24/7, excluding Sundays from 6:00 am to 12:00 noon. For assistance on how to register using XE Registration, view How to Register Online.
You must have a netID and password to use the For more information on how to capture your netID please visit
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