Midterm Grades

Midterm grades for students in 000 and 100 and certain 200 level courses

The Committee of Associate and Assistant Deans are requesting that Instructors in 000 and 100 level courses evaluate student performance by midterm. Midterm grades will be collected for students enrolled in 000 and 100 level courses and certain 200 level classes as set out below.

Course SubjectCourse NumberCourse Description
ACTG210Intro Fin Acct for Actg Majors
ACTG210Intro Financial Accounting
ACTG211Intro Managerial Accounting
ARCH200Architecture and Society
BIOS222Cell Biology
BIOS230Ecology and Evolution
BIOS236Animal Behavior
BIOS272Compar Vertebrate Anat & Phys
CHEM222Analytical Chemistry
CHEM232Organic Chemistry I
CHEM233Organic Chemistry Lab I
CHEM234Organic Chemistry II
CME203Strength Of Materials
CME260Properties Of Materials
CME261Materials For Manufacturing
CS251Data Structures
CS261Machine Organization
ECE225Circuit Analysis
ECON215Health Economics
HN202Culture and Food
IDS200Intro MIS for BBA Online
IDS201Intro to Business Programming
IDS270Business Statistics I
IE201Financial Engineering
KN200Statistical Methods
KN251Human Physiol Anat I
KN252Human Physiol Anat II
MATH210Calculus III
MATH220Differential Equations I
MCS260Intro To Computer Science
ME205Intro to Thermodynamics
ME211Fluid Mechanics l
PSCH262Behavioral Neuroscience

These grades are not recorded on the student’s permanent record and are advisory grades used for counseling purposes.

Midterm Grades

Processing Schedule

  • Comments will be placed on the Banner Class Roster allowing Midterm Grading the week of February 17, 2025 for all 16-week Part of Term 1 gradable sections.
  • Midterm grades will be due on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 11:59 pm.
  • Students will be able to view midterm grades via my.UIC.edu in Student Self Service Thursday, March 13, 2025, 9:00 am.
    View Direct reports for use by advisors will be available Friday, March 14, 2025.

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Midterm Grade Entry Instructions

In order to access the Self-Service System ALL faculty members must establish an Enterprise ID. For instructions, go to https://apps.uillinois.edu, select Student & Faculty Self-Service and follow instructions for first-time users.

  1. Log in to https://my.UIC.edu and once logged in, enter Grade Entry in the search box.  Select option for Midterm and Final Grade Entry.
  2. Once on the grading page, be certain that Midterm Grades are selected at the option in the upper left hand of the page.
  3. If the CRN is not displayed, contact your department.
  4. To assign a grade for individual students, use the drop-down box that appears in the Grade column. Only applicable grades will be displayed in the drop-down box.
  5. A spreadsheet of grades can also be loaded.  Click on the Tools pull down menu at the upper right of the page and follow instructions. See https://registrar.uic.edu/faculty-grade-entry-banner-9-instructions/ for help and instructions.
  6. To submit grades hit the SAVE button.
  7. You will have the ability to edit and/or correct grades you have already submitted through the Self-Service system up until the the Office of the Registrar published grade deadline.
  8. Repeat steps to enter grades for each course you are teaching.
  9. You will NOT be able to view midterm grades submitted for your students AFTER the submission deadline. Select the Tools menu in the upper right hand of the page to Export a copy of all grades submitted for your records.

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Helpful Information

  • The midterm grades for an entire class can also be viewed in Banner on the Class Roster form, SFASLST.
  • All midterm grades submitted for an individual student can be viewed in Banner using the SFARHST form.
  • Once the deadline to enter midterm grades has passed, the ability to enter or update the web midterm grade feature will be electronically shut off. There will be no late submission of midterm grades.
  • Instructors will NOT be able to view midterm grades submitted for students AFTER the submission deadline. Instructors will NOT be able to view midterm grades submitted for students AFTER the submission deadline. Instructors may select the Tools menu in the upper right hand of the page to Export a copy of all grades submitted for their records.
  • Students will be able to view the midterm grades once the faculty deadline to enter grades has passed.
    Student evaluations at midterm are used for counseling purposes, and are not recorded on the student’s permanent record.
  • Tips for students on interpreting midterm grades can be found at http://advising.uic.edu/.

Midterm grades not submitted by the deadline will not display on the college and departmental advising reports.

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Midterm Grade Reports

Three new view direct reports will be available for college and department staff:

Midterm Grades (SR2MGRA01B)

This student grade report will list all courses and midterm grades (if submitted) for ALL students in 000 and 100 level courses.  Data elements include:  student’s name, UIN, phone number, email, mailing address, department/major, course subject, number, section, campus, course title, grade, credit hours, earned hours, attempted hours, GPA hours and midterm GPA.  This report will be indexed by college and sorted alphabetically by student.

Midterm Grades Below C (SR2MGRA02B)

This report is a subset of the population of students in the Midterm Grades report listed above.  Only students who received at least one midterm grade below a C will be included in this report.

Midterm Grades Below C Data (SR2MGRA03B)

This is a downloadable data version of the Report of Grades Below C.  Select demographic and GPA data elements will be included in this report.

Midterm grade queries are available in the Decision Support Solutions Library

See Mid-Term Grades Student Solution Library

Security Access

Users with Banner access to view registration records will have access to these reports. If you are unable to retrieve these reports in ViewDirect or if you need access to Banner forms, please contact your Unit Security Contact (USC) to obtain access.
See http://www.aits.uillinois.edu/access/find_my_usc/  for a listing of Unit Security Contacts.

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Last updated on
August 24, 2023