Course Management and Academic Space Scheduling
Policies and Procedures (Enrollment Management) Heading link
Note: No food or drink will be allowed in any classroom. Please plan accordingly.
Campus-wide class scheduling practices and policies that maximize course availability for students and the use of classroom resources.
- Class Scheduling Procedures
- How do I reserve a computer lab?
- Terms and Roles
- Scheduling Classes on Grid
- Class Scheduling Forms
- Pre-proof documents
- On Grid Class Percentages Tableau Visualization
- Guidelines for Cancellation of Classes due to Low Enrollment
- Sharing Passing Period Between Classes
- Final Exam Schedule
- Exams other than Final Exams
Scheduling Model Heading link

A new scheduling model will be implemented beginning Fall 2018. The model is a result of recommendations made by the Class Scheduling Committee and approved by the Provost. The model will be utilized for all course scheduling beginning Fall 2018 and going forward and replaces the previous scheduling grid policy.
Contact Information Heading link
If you have questions with regards to classroom scheduling, please contact Course Management and Academic Space Scheduling by email at or by phone at (312) 413-5467.
If you are trying to find information on UIC Audio Visual Services, their general phone number is (312) 996-2751.